PISCCA program, final show for UNA [fr]

UNA, a Tanzanian civil society organization ended with success their project.

During the past six months, the organization UNA, located in Dar Es Salaam worked on increasing the knowledge of out-of-school youth on issues related to sexual and reproductive health in using art and theatre. The final show of the project took place on the 30th of June in Alliance Française of Dar Es Salaam, gathering the project leaders, the beneficiaries and Mr. Boncour, Head of cooperation and cultural affairs of the French Embassy in Tanzania.
On that day, the 150 young beneficiaries from 10 wards in Dar es Salaam took the opportunity to present their knowledge from the sensitization and information sessions. Some of them will be the leaders to train people from their respective communities on reproductive and sexual health rights.


Dernière modification : 21/02/2018

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